03 junio 2011


Continuo machacando vuestra vista con más espectaculares imágenes de lo que se mueve esta temporada por tierras indonesias. Hoy, para disfrute de este fin de semana (escaso de olas), os traigo imágenes de Kerry en Bali (casi todo rodado en Canggu y Keramas, como el video de ayer), y de Conner Coffin desfasando en Mentawai (nuestras vecinas islas de Bali); a parte, un video del juguete que lleva Conner Coffin bajo sus pies. Disfrutarlo y buen fin de semana!

Kerrazy Times - Bali from SURFING Magazine on Vimeo.

Conner Coffin is WASTED! from Riley Blakeway on Vimeo.

The Fred Rubble by Conner Coffin from CI Surfboards on Vimeo.

I am constantly pounding your eyes with spectacular scenes from this early season on the Indonesian land. Today, to enjoy this weekend (with no waves arround) I bring you scenes of Kerry in Bali (mostly shot in Canggu and Keramas, the same as the video from yesterday), and Conner Coffin wasted in Mentawais (our neighboring islands in Bali) apart, i leave you another video of whats Conner Coffin´s toy. Enjoy and have a good weekend!

Saludos a todos!

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