Seguimos avanzando con nuestro Proyecto en Bali y el Hotel poco a poco va cogiendo forma y fuerza. Nos enorgullecemos de avanzaros los primeros bocetos del logo e imagen que tendrá nuestra futura empresa que albergará alojo a todos los surfistas y turistas que deseen conocer Bali de la mano de los mejores guías, jejejeje.
Todo esto no podría ser posible sin el apoyo de todos vosotros, nuestros seguidores, a los que agradecemos, como siempre vuestro apoyo. Seguiremos informando de nuestros avances.
Y para disfrute de Bali, este video que representa las condiciones tan idílicas que podréis encontrar en vuestro viaje a Bali.
We are moving ahead with our project in Bali and the Hotel is slowly taking shape and strength. We are proud to show you the first sketches of the logo and the images that will have our future company that will host all the surfers and tourists that wish to explore Bali by the hands of the best guides, hehehehe.
All this would not be possible without the support of all of you, our fans, to which we appreciate as always your support. Will keep you informed of our progress.
And to enjoy Bali, a video depicting idyllic conditions so that you can find on your trip to Bali.
All this would not be possible without the support of all of you, our fans, to which we appreciate as always your support. Will keep you informed of our progress.
And to enjoy Bali, a video depicting idyllic conditions so that you can find on your trip to Bali.
Saludos a todos!!!
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