Y bañito en Bingin... Una orientación muy del Sur hacía que las series se hicieran esperar. A medida que avanzaba el día aumentaba el viento y finalmente se ha puesto muy cruzado. Ya con marea llena el baño se estropeaba bastante.
La anécdota del día esta vaca... Aparecía ahogada en la orilla de los acantilados de Bingin y un local la ha sacado a la corriente para que se la llevara a otra zona...
And today "bath" in Bingin... The swell direction wasnt really good (too much from the South) but we had a really nice waves even that we have to wait a lot for the sets. As the day progressed the wind increased and finally it has become very cross. Since high tide the bath wasnt good any more.
And the story of the day was the cow... Appeared choked on the edge of the cliffs of Bingin and one local try to put the cow out on the currents in order to take her to another area...
Saludos a todos! (Greetings to all and sorry for my poor english)
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